Vaxxed the Peoples truth film. A critical review and discussion. The-Second-Vaxxed-film-as-discussed-by-Paul-Wady. Jpeg’s to read are directly below the sound and film posts here.Download Best play the start to see the relevance. Polly Tommey’s statements about us protestors are bad enough but later on, she claims she does not trust one single medical doctor. Then there is this… The YouTube channel Reasonable Hank has collected together films that perfectly show the insanity of the Vaxxed Cult. Give all of them a moment or two and you soon hear why I bother to post this stuff. Where they get the absolute belief in Andrew Wakefield is beyond me. I can only recommend The book, The Doctor Who Fooled the World by Brian Deer… Polly Tommey Won’t Judge Parents Who Murder Their Disabled Children. That’s Part Of The Problem. | LBRB | Circa July 13, 2016 Thank you to International Bad Ass Activists for this page.